Loyalty Program

Rewards Catalogue

Rs 200 Yugo E-Voucher

Rs 200 Yugo E-Voucher

575 Loyalty points

Rs 200 Yugo E- Voucher

Panarrotti's Voucher

Panarrotti's Voucher

250 Loyalty points

Rs 100 Panarrotti's Voucher

Rs 250 Gravity Max Voucher

Rs 250 Gravity Max Voucher

1250 Loyalty points

Rs 250 Gravity Max Voucher

Shell Car Sunshade

Shell Car Sunshade

625 Loyalty points

Car Sunshade  Foldable sun car Visor in polyester 190T including pouch. Dimension: 150*70cm

Shell Insulated Water Bottle

Shell Insulated Water Bottle

3690 Loyalty points

Insulated double wall waterbottle with capacity 1L

Ferrari Bluetooth remote control car

Ferrari Bluetooth remote control car

5000 Loyalty points

Exclusive offer for Shell V-Power Ferrari Bluetooth® Remote Control diecast car model. The Shell Motorsport F1 car model comes with an electric engine and a Smart Battery that includes the Bluetooth chip within a rechargeable lithium cell. Take control of your Shell Motorsport F1 through a mobile app. Member can redeem only 1 unit. Offer is on a first come first served basis until stock lasts.

Michelin 3D Bibbendoom Air Fresheners

Michelin 3D Bibbendoom Air Fresheners

1176 Loyalty points
2646 Loyalty points

Michelin 3D Bibbendoom Air Fresheners (Random Fragrance)

Michelin Mini Bottle Air Fresheners

Michelin Mini Bottle Air Fresheners

1480 Loyalty points
3330 Loyalty points

Michelin Mini Bottle Air Fresheners

Michelin Clean Air (Random Fragrance)

Michelin Clean Air (Random Fragrance)

2040 Loyalty points
4590 Loyalty points

Michelin Clean Air (Random Fragrance)