Loyalty Program

Rewards Catalogue

Shell Select shop Rs50 Voucher

Shell Select shop Rs50 Voucher

250 Loyalty points

Redeem and enjoy a Rs 50 discount voucher at the selected Shell Select shops listed below: 1. Shell Paradise (Grand Bay) 2. Shell Valton 3. Shell Arsenal 4. Shell Roche bois 5. Shell Lataniers 6. Shell Moka 7. Shell Floreal 8. Shell Garden (Curepipe) 9. Shell Relays (Quatre Bornes) 10. Shell Pineview (La Vigie) 11. Shell Emeralda (Cascavelle)

Rs 250 Gift.mu E-voucher

Rs 250 Gift.mu E-voucher

1250 Loyalty points

Rs 250 Gift.mu E-voucher by SMS. Happy card by Gift.mu is a multi use, merchant gift card redeemable throughout a network of over 140 merchants. To view the "Merchant list" please visit the website as per following link : https://www.gift.mu/happy-card-partners Check the "How to redeem tutorial" through the following link: https://www.gift.mu/how-to-redeem/annm

Rs 500 Gift.mu  E-Voucher

Rs 500 Gift.mu E-Voucher

2500 Loyalty points

Rs 500 Gift.mu E-voucher by SMS. Happy card by Gift.mu is a multi use, merchant gift card redeemable throughout a network of over 140 merchants. To view the "Merchant list" please visit the website as per following link : https://www.gift.mu/happy-card-partners Check the "How to redeem tutorial" through the following link: https://www.gift.mu/how-to-redeem/annm

Rs 1000 Gift.mu  E-Voucher

Rs 1000 Gift.mu E-Voucher

5000 Loyalty points

Rs1000 Gift.mu e- voucher by SMS. Happy card by Gift.mu is a multi use, merchant gift card redeemable throughout a network of over 140 merchants. To view the "Merchant list" please visit the website as per following link : https://www.gift.mu/happy-card-partners Check the "How to redeem tutorial" through the following link: https://www.gift.mu/how-to-redeem/annm

Rs 100 Yugo E-Voucher

Rs 100 Yugo E-Voucher

300 Loyalty points

Rs 100 Yugo E-Voucher

Rs 200 Yugo E-Voucher

Rs 200 Yugo E-Voucher

575 Loyalty points

Rs 200 Yugo E- Voucher

Panarrotti's Voucher

Panarrotti's Voucher

250 Loyalty points

Rs 100 Panarrotti's Voucher

Rs 250 Gravity Max Voucher

Rs 250 Gravity Max Voucher

1250 Loyalty points

Rs 250 Gravity Max Voucher